التجربة المتوسطية الحقيقية


تجربة النكهات المتوسطية الطازجة

تذوَّق أطباق البحر الأبيض المتوسط في أوتانتيك، حيث تتلاقى النكهات الأصيلة
والتميز الطهي. انطلق في رحلة تناول طعام رائعة، حيث تغمر نفسك في بهارات
البحر الأبيض المتوسط والإرث الثقافي الغني للمنطقة
عن أوتانتيك


بين قرية وأخرى، لم يكن فريقنا يبحث فقط عن أرقى المنتجات المحلية، بل كنا نتعلم
أيضًا الطرق والعلوم المعقدة وراء أساليب الطهي التقليدية. ومن خلال رحلاتنا،
وجدنا إلهامًا تصميميًا يدور حول خلق مفهوم يجمع بين أفضل ما تقدمه منطقة البحر
الأبيض المتوسط. نحن هنا لنقدم لك تجربة تناول طعام استثنائية. ليس فقط لتقديم
أطعمة رائعة لك، بل نأخذك في رحلة فاخرة حيث نصمم كل شيء خصيصًا لإرضاء
حواس تذوقك وترقية تجربة التناول. بدءًا من المكونات الطازجة المأخوذة من
حدائقنا وصولًا إلى المهارات الطهي الدقيقة، كل وجبة تبدو وكأنها فرصة استثنائية

About Otantik

Our Story

From one village to another, our team not only sought the finest local produce, we also learned the complex techniques and science behind traditional cooking methods, and found design inspirations in our travels to create a concept that revolves around bringing the best of what the Mediterranean region has to offer.

We don’t just serve you great food. We take you through an exquisite dining experience where everything is tailored to please your taste buds and elevate the feasting affair. From garden-fresh ingredients brought about by meticulous culinary skill, every course feels like a special course.


Tourist Club, Abu Dhabi

The first Otantik restaurant opens in the heart of Tourist Club, Abu Dhabi, unveiling a captivating culinary experience inspired by the Mediterranean. Each bite at Otantik is a celebration of Mediterranean authenticity.


Al Wahda Mall, Abu Dhabi

Experience another chapter in the Otantik restaurant series at the Al Wahda Commercial Tower branch. Located within Al Wahda district in Abu Dhabi, this culinary gem captures the spirit of the Mediterranean like never before. From tantalizing spices to the vibrant flavors of Mediterranean cuisine, each dish at Otantik Al Wahda Commercial Tower is a true masterpiece.


Al Khalidiya, Abu Dhabi

Introducing the Garden City Tower branch, another addition to the esteemed Otantik restaurant family. Nestled within the iconic Garden City Tower in Abu Dhabi, this captivating culinary haven brings the essence of the Mediterranean to life. From the enticing aromas of spices to the delicate freshness of ingredients, each dish at Otantik Garden City Tower showcases the true essence of Mediterranean cuisine.


Business Bay, Dubai

Nestled in the vibrant heart of Business Bay, this first Otantik branch culinary destination invites you to embark on a Mediterranean-inspired adventure. It’s where Turkish spices and traditional recipes take center stage. Each dish is a masterpiece crafted with utmost care and passion.


Deerfield Abu Dhabi

Situated in the esteemed Deerfield Mall in Abu Dhabi, this culinary gem embodies the essence of the Mediterranean like never before. From tantalizing Turkish spices to a rich tapestry of flavors, each dish at Otantik is a true masterpiece.


Green House, Abu Dhabi

Located in Al Samha’s Green Park, our Otantik Express branch offers a relaxed, garden-like setting for enjoying an array of Mediterranean delights. Amidst the natural tranquility of the park’s greenery, each dish serves up a taste of the Mediterranean’s lush landscapes, all within a casual café and restaurant atmosphere.

مطعم ومقهى أوتانتيك
